
Mongolian Ambassador Sukhbold Sukhee meets with K-Petro executives

To seek bilateral cooperation on energy distribution management

By Diplomacy Journal Lee Kap-soo


Mongolian Ambassador to Korea Sukhbold Sukhee met with Lee Kyung-heum, business director of the Korea Petroleum Quality & Distribution Authority (K-Petro), and exchanged views on ways to expand cooperation between the two countries on Aug. 7.


During the meeting, which took place at the Mongolian Embassy in Seoul, Lee explained the implementation status of the ODA project to improve the air environment in Mongolia ('21~'25), which is currently being implemented by the K-Petro, and discussed future business development plans between the two countries with the Mongolian ambassador.



The two sides agreed that cooperation in the energy sector will play an important role in the development of bilateral relations as exchanges are expanding in various fields, including the promotion of the Korea-Mongolia Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).


"Mongolia is highly dependent on primary energy such as oil, and a systematic and transparent oil distribution management system is essential due to the landlocked nature of the country with a large land area," said the Mongolian ambassador, adding, "We hope to introduce Korea's advanced system."


"We will actively cooperate with the development of Mongolia's energy management system through various methods, including ODA, by utilizing the know-how accumulated over many years of experience," said Lee, adding, "Let's work together to continue the cooperation between the two countries.