
National Assembly Speaker Kim meets his Salvadoran counterpart

Kim requests Salvadoran support for Busan Expo in 2030


Castro answered “We will support the 2030 Busan Expo based on friendly relationships over the past 60 years.”

On the afternoon of May 8th, National Assembly Speak­er Kim Jin-pyo held talks with the Speaker of the Salvadoran National Assembly, Castro, in his office to discuss ways to strengthen cooperation be­tween the two countries, sup­port for the Busan World Expo in 2030, and other matters.


Castro's visit was at the invi­tation of the Korea Foundation (KF) and aimed to support the 2030 Busan World Expo, as well as to promote cooperation and friendly relations between the two countries.


Chairman Kim expressed his gratitude for El Salvador's Na­tional Assembly's congratula­tory message on the 60th anni­versary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and expressed his hopes for further development of bilateral rela­tions with the visit of Castro, who is the chairman of SICA later this year.


Regarding economic and de­velopment cooperation, Kim stated that "since the Ko­rea-Central America FTA took effect in 2021, trade between the two countries has expand­ed and Korean companies' lo­cal investment in textiles and clothing businesses has also increased. We hope that the Salvadoran National Assembly will show interest and support for the smooth activities of our companies and compatriots."


Chairman Kim also request­ed Salvadoran's active support for the 2030 Busan World Expo, saying "Korea is making every effort, with the participation of both the public and private sectors, to host the 2030 Busan World Expo. Through the expo, we plan to present a sustain­able vision for the challenges facing the world, such as health crises, technological polariza­tion, and climate change, and to actively share our experience and know-how in economic de­velopment. We ask for Salvador­ans' active support."


In response, Chairman Castro expressed his desire to further develop bilateral re­lations, saying "Based on the friendship that has continued for 60 years, I will support the 2030 Busan World Expo and make sure that we can vote for Korea. I would like to invite a delegation from the National Assembly to visit El Salvador in the future." After the talks, Chairman Castro also ac companied Chairman Kim to attend the National Assembly plenary session.


Kim Jin-pyo, the Speaker of the National Assembly (on the right), shakes hands with Castro, the Speaker of the Sal­vadoran National Assembly, before their meeting. (Photo: National Assembly)