
The Culture days of Turkmenistan were held in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and Shinhan University

The following article and picture materials have been provided by the Embassy of the Republic of Turkmenistan in Seoul for publication by The Korea Post media, publisher of 3 English and 2 Korean-language news publications since 1985.—Ed.


On March 30, 2023, cultural and scientific activities in Korea continued at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul. The program of the event included performances by Turkmen artists, a screening of a Turkmen film in Korean called "At-myrat", dedicated to the Akhal-Teke horses.
In addition, an exhibition was opened in the foyer of the university, where portraits and books of the great Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly Pyragy, as well as works of arts and crafts and museum values of Turkmenistan were presented.



On March 31, the official closing ceremony of the Days of Culture was held in the city of Uijongbu at Shinhan University, where the Ambassador of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Korea H.E. Mr. Begench Durdyyev and the President of Shinhan University Dr. Kang Song Jong made speeches.
Among the guests of honor were Deputy Minister of Culture of Turkmenistan H.E. Mr. Gurbanmyrat Myradalyyev, Vice-Rector of the University of Colorado Dr. Emily Chan, Chairman of the American Taekwon-Do Association and others.


Then a joint concert of national and honored artists of Turkmenistan and Korea took place.
The program of the events also included the screening of the feature film "Istärin", which tells about the life and creative path of the great poet and thinker Magtymguly Pyragy. In addition, the participants of the events paid special attention to the expositions presented at the exhibition of Turkmen culture organized within the framework of this event.