By Diplomacy Journal Kayla Lee
Seoul City Mayor Oh Se-hoon met with Swiss Senate President Eva Herzog and a visiting delegation at his office on Nov. 8 to discuss policies of common interest to Seoul and Switzerland.
Mayor Oh and President Eva Herzog had an in-depth conversation on major issues of both countries, including urban development, birthrate, aging, and immigration policy.
In particular, Eva Herzog said, “I am amazed at the rapid development of Seoul in a short period of time,” and expressed interest in the Yongsan International Business District, which is undergoing a major transformation.
“In 10 years, we will see a more developed Seoul,” said Mayor Oh, describing the Yongsan International Business District.
“Seoul is making a lot of policy investments to address the low birthrate,” said Oh, who also sympathized with Switzerland's concerns about the issue, explaining the city's efforts.
“We are also making a lot of efforts to solve the housing problem for newlyweds,” he said, adding, ”I think the recent upward trend in the birth rate and marriage rate, although cautious, is a result of these efforts.”
President Eva Herzog also attended the panel discussion “Women at the Nexus of Climate, Conflict and Peacebuilding” held at the War Memorial Korea on Nov. 6 as a panelist.