
President Yoon meets with U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Reed

Appeals for continued support for the development of the U.S.-ROK alliance

By Diplomacy Journal Lee Jon-young


President Yoon Suk-yeol received U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Jack Reed, who is visiting South Korea, and exchanged views on ways to advance the U.S.-ROK alliance on Aug. 26.

The President welcomed the visit of Chairman Reed, who has done much for the U.S.-ROK alliance, including urging the Senate Armed Services Committee to strengthen the U.S. commitment to deter expansion toward South Korea, and asked him to continue to play an important role in the U.S. Congress for the continued development of the alliance, which has evolved into a “global comprehensive strategic alliance.



The President emphasized that as North Korea continues to refuse to engage in dialogue and continue its provocations, the United States and South Korea must continue their joint efforts to achieve complete denuclearization and demonstrate a strong deterrent to North Korea based on the ironclad joint defense posture.


The President also noted that last month's approval by the two leaders of the United States and South Korea of the Nuclear Operational Guidelines for Nuclear Deterrence on the Korean Peninsula laid the groundwork for an integrated extended deterrent between the United States and South Korea, and asked for the Senate Armed Services Committee's continued support for strengthening the extended deterrent.


The President also emphasized the importance of continued development of the U.S.-Japan-Korea Camp David cooperative framework, along with U.S.-ROK cooperation, to meet today's international challenges, including North Korea.


Reid said he understands the importance of the U.S.-ROK alliance from his long service on the Senate Armed Services Committee, and that the bipartisan support for the alliance in Congress remains unwavering, and that he will continue to play a role in advancing the alliance as chairman of the Armed Services Committee.


Reed said he looks forward to deepening our defense cooperation, including the construction and maintenance of naval warships, and our collaboration in high-tech areas such as semiconductors and quantum.


Reid also noted that without President Yoon's courage and leadership, the Camp David framework could not have been established.


In particular, he said, the international community will long remember President Yoon's achievements in improving bilateral relations between South Korea and Japan, laying the groundwork for trilateral cooperation, and expanding the horizons of cooperation to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the Philippines.