
Sungkyunkwan Univ. President Yoo visits Kazakhstan

Building academic partnerships with 3 Kazakh universities

By Diplomacy Journal Lee Kap-soo


In March 2024, President of the Sungkyunkwan University Yoo Ji-beom led a delegation to Kazakhstan to strengthen academic ties and explore new collaborations. The visit included stops at three universities: Satbayev University, Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU), and Nazarbayev University.


The primary focus of the visit was to discuss opportunities for educational and research cooperation. The delegation discussed student exchange programs, attracting top Kazakh students to Sungkyunkwan's graduate schools, and nurturing experts in science and engineering. They also explored research partnerships through workshops and mutual visits to promote deeper collaboration between the universities. 

The visit marked a significant step in strengthening the academic ties between the two countries. Following the discussions, the sides expressed a strong interest in furthering these collaborations and signing of a MOU.


As a result of the visit, follow-up exchanges are already underway. ENU's Office of International Affairs visited Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul on March 22, and the President of Satbayev University visited on April 15. These developments indicate a strong commitment to academic cooperation between Kazakhstan and South Korea, with more partnerships expected in the near future.