
Honorary Chairman Shim Won-il of SG Gold Group & Space Gold Group

A global cultural platform company that invests in future values

By Diplomacy Journal Lee Jon-young


In early March, the 'Andre Kim Fashion Show' took the stage in Shanghai, China, for the first time in 14 years, attracting the attention of the public. SG Gold Group is the company that made this event possible, which had been attempted several times before but failed to materialize.


On March 29, less than a month after the André Kim event in China, SG Gold Group surprised everyone once again by hosting the 'Let's Be Happy Festival' event at the Elena Hotel in Nonhyeon-dong, Seoul, which brought together three competitions (2024 Miss Environmentalist, 2024 Space Gold Model Contest, and 2024 Space Gold Influencer Contest), and we talked to Shim Won-il, Honorary Chairman of SG Gold Group and Space Gold Group, about the company's vision.



'A company that touches and is touched'


When asked about SG Gold Group's recent remarkable achievements as a platform company that leads cultural exchange in the era of online commerce, Honorary Chairman Shim Won-il talked about the company's motto, 'A company that touches and is touched. 

He said that he believes that moving people's hearts is the power that drives a company, and that companies and society can grow together when people are moved, and that the best medium to share emotions is culture.


The company has been hosting festivals such as fashion shows, talent competitions, and cultural events to realize and spread the company's vision, and this year's event with influencers to keep pace with the times will help convey this vision to more people both at home and abroad.


In fact, SG Gold Group has been investing in IT/AI technology development in China since last year and is also promoting live commerce broadcasting business, and has expressed its ambition to become a platform company that leads new cultural exchanges and industry growth by introducing technology that leads the Korean market, where the live commerce market is still immature compared to China.



More than 10 subsidiaries developing various businesses centered on the 'Space Gold' brand


SG Gold Group, which leads the way in creating synergies and investing in franchising, real estate development, entertainment, and movie production, is an investment company with more than 10 subsidiaries centered on the corporate brand 'Space Gold' (Honorary Chairman Shim Won-il is the copyright holder of the 'Space Gold' character).


SG Gold Group, Space One Entertainment, and Space Gold Holdings aim to be a platform company that completes a virtuous cycle by investing in franchise (coffee, draft beer, beauty, etc.) businesses, entertainment businesses that discover and train actors and singers, real estate development businesses such as hotels, pensions, and outlets, advertising, broadcasting, F&B, export trade, and distribution, and other businesses that can create mutual synergy by utilizing the brand.


In particular, SG Gold Group is also registered as a movie production company and is taking a win-win direction with its subsidiaries' entertainment business and talent training business through its own movie production and investment.



China IT/AIAI Technology, Hotel, Mini Casino and Pacific Island ''Bougainville'' Large-scale SOC business investment contract

The group's active investment development in Vietnam's Koreatown, hotels, golf courses, resort development and entertainment business, centered on its investment planning culture, has been attracting more attention from overseas since last year.

In particular, in China, the group has secured technology rights by investing in TK IT/AIAI technology, Metaverse, and AIAI translation technology, which are used on various online platforms to lead the aforementioned live commerce industry, and has signed various memorandums of understanding with YouA Group, a major Chinese cultural company.

In addition, Mr. Shim is also the honorary chairman and investor of the organizing committee of the City Cup Intelligent Sports Masters, a gaming sports project officially introduced at the China Culture, Tourism and Sports Summit and promoted by the Chinese government as a new cultural tourism project.

The group has signed a large-scale investment deal to invest in the establishment of about 100 City Cup mini-casino branches across China, opening up the possibility of a new gaming sports market.


In addition to China, the group has also made various investments in the Philippines, Vietnam, and Indonesia, including the development of Korea Town, hotels, golf courses, and resorts in Vietnam. As the group has many talented people, the group is also planning to invest in talent development through modeling competitions and various talent contests, while making concrete preparations centered on the entertainment business.

Moreover, the signing of an investment contract for the mining industry and national reconstruction project (SOC) in the Pacific nation of ''Bougainville,'' which is scheduled to become independent, has become an international hot topic that has been covered by foreign media, so SG Gold Group's current overseas investment projects have exceeded expectations in terms of variety and scale.

The beautiful Han River, the centerpiece of Korea's resurgence


We can only become a global power if we can take care of our environment. Lastly, Chairman Lee expressed his concern about the current difficult economic situation and the importance and potential of the Han River in overcoming this situation.


Space Gold Group owns 'SG Space Gold 001', which manufactures, sells, and operates Han River cruise ships in Yeouido, which is a business that fulfills his long-standing desire to transform the beautiful Han River, the pride of Korea that runs through the center of Seoul, into a happy place for more people at home and abroad to visit and enjoy.


His interest in the environment, water quality, and safety of the Han River is so strong that in August 2023, he organized an underwater cleanup campaign in the Han River (Bamseom) sponsored by Space Gold Group to clean up the water quality and inspect underwater safety.


He added that the ''environment'' is not only the natural environment that we often think of, but also everything around us, including people and social environments, and emphasized that if each environment is improved and revitalized, our society and economy will be revitalized, and we can look forward to the 2nd Han River Renaissance, which will overcome the current economic difficulties just as Korea did in the past.


He said that he would like to continue activities that contribute to building the Han River into a healthy space with culture and content that more people can enjoy, and that overseas tourists can visit and be impressed by, and that he would continue to spread the culture of taking care of one's environment.

This reporter is deeply moved and cheers for SG Gold Group's not easy journey to become a global cultural platform company that started with the vision of delivering inspiration and happiness.