
“41-year Korea-Pakistan diplomatic ties have blossomed into a partnership”

Says Amb. Nabeel Munir of Pakistan to Korea at the Pakistan’s National Day reception

By Diplomacy Journal Lee Kap-soo


“Korea-Pakistan diplomatic ties, established forty-one years ago, have blossomed into a partnership, based on respect, cordiality, and mutual interest,” said Amb. Nabeel Munir of Pakistan to Korea.


Delivering a speech at the Pakistan’s National Day reception held at the Ambassador Seoul Pullman Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul on March 21, Amb. Munir said, “From socio-economic development to trade and investment, from defense cooperation to cultural exchanges, this partnership continues to blossom. 



“The ‘Miracle on Han River’ continues to inspire us. We want to learn from Korea's economic growth and development, and strive to replicate the success back home. So, the potential of cooperation that exists between our two countries is enormous. And we have a lot of work ahead of us.”


He added, “Let us embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. And, let us work towards a future of peace, prosperity, and cooperation.”



More than 500 distinguished guests from the Korean government and various other segments of Korean society, as well as the ambassadors and other senior diplomats from the Seoul Diplomatic Corps, attended the gala reception.

Among the distinguished guests were Chung Byung-won, Deputy Minister for Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kyung Chul Lee, Special Representative for UN Security Council Affairs, Excellency Hyo-Eun Jenny Kim, Deputy Minister for Climate Change, Amb. Theresa Dizon-De Vega of the Philippines, and Amb. Andrew Chernetsky of Belarus to Korea.



In welcome remarks, Chung Byung-won, Deputy Minister for Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said, “More than 30 Korean companies in Pakistan are contributing to the economic growth of Pakistan in such fields as energy, infrastructure, automobiles and smartphones and chemicals.

“From trade to investment and technological collaboration, we have forged strong ties that continue to strengthen relations between Korea and Pakistan. We are now witnessing a new era of cooperation between our two countries.”


Noting that the economic partnership agreement with Pakistan will be a milestone for our future, Chung said, “Furthermore, our development cooperation has played a crucial role in promoting sustainable growth in Pakistan.”

He added, “Through various projects, we have worked hand in hand to promote and improve infrastructure, healthcare, and education, enriching the lives of Pakistan people.”



The following is the full-text of the remarks by Amb. Nabeel Munir of Pakistan to Korea at the Pakistan’s National Day reception


Excellency Chung Byung-won, Deputy Minister for Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,  
Excellency Kyung Chul Lee, Special Representative for UN Security Council Affairs, 
Excellency Hyo-Eun Jenny Kim, Deputy Minister for Climate Change, 
Distinguished Ambassadors, Excellencies, my fellow Pakistanis, Ladies and Gentlemen, 
Assalaam-o-Alaikum, Anyeong Haseyo, and Good evening

I thank all of you for joining us to celebrate Pakistan’s National Day with us.
It is an honor and a privilege to be here in this august company, among so many distinguished colleagues and friends of Pakistan.


We, the people of Pakistan, celebrate Pakistan's National Day to reflect upon the journey of our homeland. A journey that is marked by unparallel struggles, selfless sacrifices, and historic triumphs of our forefathers. 

March 23rd holds a special place in our hearts, for it was on this day, eighty-four years ago, that our forefathers laid the foundation of Pakistan by adopting the historic Pakistan Resolution in the city of Lahore. 


It reminds us of the exemplary leadership of the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and the unwavering resolve of our people in the face of adversity. 

But this day is not merely a commemoration; it is also a celebration of the freedom and hope for our nation. 

Pakistan's worldview is rooted in friendship, goodwill, and a commitment to international peace and prosperity. 

And it is in this spirit of friendship and cooperation, that we celebrate our longstanding relationship with the Republic of Korea. 

Our diplomatic ties, established forty-one years ago, have blossomed into a partnership, based on respect, cordiality, and mutual interest. 

From socio-economic development to trade and investment, from defense cooperation to cultural exchanges, this partnership continues to blossom. 

The ‘Miracle on Han River’ continues to inspire us. We want to learn from Korea's economic growth and development, and strive to replicate the success back home. 

So, the potential of cooperation that exists between our two countries is enormous. And we have a lot of work ahead of us.

Let us embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. And, let us work towards a future of peace, prosperity, and cooperation.

But, Ladies and Gentlemen, as we talk about peace and prosperity, it would be remiss of me not to recall the sufferings of our brothers and sisters in Palestine and Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

What is happening in Gaza is beyond reprehensible. It is a travesty of all that humanity stands for. Gaza is being annihilated by genocidal forces, in full view of the international community, and in complete disregard for the recent ruling by the International Court of Justice. 


We strongly condemn these atrocities, and call for immediate end to hostilities, full restoration of humanitarian assistance, including through UNRWA, and accountability for all those involved in these war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Let us also collectively look at where we are. Trounced by war, climate change, and natural and man-made disasters, the world is at the edge of a precipice. 

Justice, equity and fair play are principles that we all need to enforce in our dealings. For if we don’t, the future of the world, as we see it today, is bleak. 

And finally, Excellencies, let me end with expressing my deepest appreciation to Poongsan Corporation, Lotte Confectionary, Korea Energy (KOEN), Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP), and President Park Dong Seok of International Cultural Properties Strategy Center, for their support in making tonight’s event possible. 

I also wish to thank members of my Embassy who worked diligently to successfully organize the event.
Pakistan Paindabad and Korea Pakistan Friendship Zindabad

I thank you.