
President Yoon says, "Healthcare reform will be pursued unwaveringly"

Yoon Suk-yeol presides over the 9th Cabinet Meeting

By Diplomacy Journal Lee Kap-soo


President Yoon Suk-yeol reiterated his firm stance on healthcare reform during his closing remarks at the 9th Cabinet Meeting held at the Presidential Office on Feb. 20.


President Yoon emphasized, "Healthcare reform will be pursued unwaveringly," regarding collective actions of medical residents and medical students. He stated once again his resolute position on healthcare reform.



The President stated, "There can be no threat to the lives and health of the people during the process of healthcare reform," and urged, "I request that the entire cabinet be united to prevent harm to the people." 


Additionally, the President remarked, "While clinitions are important, it is also crucial to bolster medical personnel to enhance international competitiveness in advanced bio and healthcare fields."


Meanwhile, regarding the Neulbom School issue, the President commented, "The nation taking care of children is a humanitarian and human rights issue that must be addressed using any means necessary," and added, "We must all participate with the mindset that we care for each other's children to prevent them from being neglected after school." 


The President also emphasized, "Politics should not interfere with the issue of raising children in our society," and urged, "Not only the Ministry of Education and local governments but the entire cabinet should make efforts to ensure the establishment of Neulbom Schools."


Regarding the response to school violence, the President appealed, "Ensure that teachers and schools are not burdened with investigating and deliberating on school violence issues," and added, "The deliberation and decision-making bodies should establish nationwide standards so that similar sanctions are imposed for similar offenses regardless of location."