
Dankook Univ. declares commitment to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Respecting equality, diversity, and human rights, and providing equal opportunities

By Diplomacy Journal Kayla Lee 


Dankook University held a declaration ceremony for the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at its Jukjeon campus on Feb. 19.


As part of its commitment to the SDGs, the university declared ▲ education and research (providing education for creative individuals who contribute to humanity) ▲ international cooperation (collaboration with the international community for building a sustainable society) ▲ community engagement (encouraging participation from local communities) ▲ environmental conservation (administration and facility management focused on environmental preservation) ▲ equality and diversity (respecting diversity and human rights, and creating an inclusive educational environment by providing equal opportunities).



The declaration ceremony was attended by President Ahn Soon-cheol, Chairman Kim Jae-il of the Dankook SDGs Committee (Vice President for External Affairs), Professor Kim Jung-yoon, chairman of the Professors Council, Chairman Jin Kwang-min of the labor union, Kim Hyun-ji, President of the Graduate Student Council, Kim Jae-heon, President of the Jukjeon Student Council, Kim Tae-hyun, President of the Cheonan Student Council, and others.


President Ahn Soon-cheol stated, "This declaration ceremony is a gathering to firmly establish our commitment and aspirations to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) both on and off campus, actively presenting new values for future generations and fulfilling our social responsibilities."



To achieve the SDGs, our university established the Dankook SDGs Committee in December last year. Dankook University's educational goal of fostering individuals who contribute to global society based on patriotism aligns closely with the philosophy of the SDGs that the world's citizens aspire to achieve together.


Chairman Kim Jae-il of the Dankook SDGs Committee (Vice President for External Affairs) stated, "The committee will enhance research capabilities for sustainable development, nurture human resources, and plan various educational programs and events to encourage members to participate in the implementation of the SDGs."


UN SDGs refer to Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, aiming to be achieved by 2030 as a shared global agenda for sustainable development. They are categorized into five areas: people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership, and present 17 specific goals that humanity should strive for.