
SG Gold Group reveals its 2024 plan, celebrating 2nd anniversary

Signed a number of overseas investment contracts

By Lee Jon-young


SG Gold Group held a commemorative event at the Ellina Hotel in Nonhyeon-dong, Seoul on Jan. 29, 2024, inviting employees and stakeholders of the Group and its subsidiaries to report on the business performance of the year 2023 and announce the business plan for the new year 2024. 


SG Gold Group reported on its achievements over the past two years, stating that it has been striving to enhance the group's brand value through its own events, sponsorships and collaborations with external organizations, and has been building and expanding its business network at home and abroad through various subsidiaries, and has been diversifying its investment sources not only in Korea but also abroad, especially starting in 2023. 



As notable business achievements in 2023, the company officially announced the signing of investment contracts for the Bougainville Mining Industry and National Reconstruction Project (SOC), real estate development projects in China, and IT/AI technology development projects. 



Among them, the investment contract with BOU&KO Limited, a state-owned company in Bougainville (an island in Papua New Guinea in the South Pacific Ocean, which is scheduled to obtain the status of an independent country in 2025), is a contract to invest business funds in Bougainville, which is a treasure trove of mineral resources and is scheduled to have a large-scale SOC project, and secure the right to conduct mining and SOC projects (hospitals, schools, cultural exchanges, and content projects).
It is expected to bring positive economic effects to the group and the country as well as enhance its international status, as it is the result of beating the US, China, Japan, and Australia, which have shown continuous interest in investing in Bougainville.



In addition, cultural events such as employee merit awards and congratulatory singer performances were held, along with detailed presentations by the co-chief executives of each business, on new projects to be implemented in China, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia in 2024. 

SG Gold Group emphasized that over the past two years, it has been promoting businesses and investments centered on value creation in various industries with more than 10 subsidiaries to contribute to an industrial ecosystem where more companies can grow together under the motto of 'a company that touches and is touched,' and said that it will continue to work hard without forgetting this initial focus.