
Switzerland, Korea to be non-permanent UN Security Council members in 2024

Ambassador Dagmar Schmidt Tartagli of Switzerland to Korea

By Lee Kap-soo


(New Year Message)
Dear readers of the Diplomacy Journal,

I wish all readers of Diplomacy Journal all the best in the coming year 2024. The year 2023 was a very special year for us as it marked the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and Switzerland. It was also the 70th anniversary of Switzerland's presence on the Korean Peninsula as a member of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission.



Over the past six decades, our two countries have cultivated a solid partnership in politics, economics, science, technology, business, art and design. On this fertile ground, even more people-to-people and institutional cooperation has blossomed this year. 


To name just a few of the year's highlights, Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin and Minister Lee Jong-ho signed a joint declaration aimed at strengthening existing ties between Switzerland and South Korea in all areas of research, particularly digital transformation, biotechnology and quantum technologies. 


The visit of the Parliamentary Friendship Group Switzerland-Korea, led by National Councillor Christian Wasserfallen, marked an important political exchange. In the field of science and technology, the Embassy's annual lighthouse event, the Swiss-Korean Innovation Week, and the Swiss-Korean Life Science Symposium brought together experts from both countries to explore multidisciplinary issues in innovation and technology. 


In the economic field, an agreement between the Basel Area Business & Innovation and the Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association in South Korea led to more Korean pharmaceutical companies coming to Switzerland. At the KORMARINE maritime technology exhibition, the Swiss pavilion became a hub for exchanges between Swiss hidden champions of marine technology and Korean companies. In the field of art and architecture, the Swiss Pavilions at the Gwangju Biennale and the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism left a lasting impression on the public.  A unique "Hangul Helvetica Summit" exhibition added another layer to our font exchange.


Throughout the year, the Swiss Embassy building, now affectionately called the "Swiss Hanok," was open not only to professionals from both countries, but also to the Korean public. Many design enthusiasts came to the Embassy for Design Talks on interior design, graphic design and sustainable fashion, and the Christmas Design Market was very popular with visitors and friends of Switzerland. 


The Swiss Embassy will continue to serve as a platform for even more vibrant exchanges and dialogues, and play our role as a catalyst for deepening the relationship between the two countries in the future. 


In particular, in 2024, Switzerland and the Republic of Korea will simultaneously become non-permanent members of the UN Security Council, emphasizing joint efforts at the global level for human security and comprehensive peace. We look forward to an extraordinary year in which our two countries will work closely together for global security and peace.


May the coming New Year bring peace and joy to us all.