
First Lady Kim says, “I hope to build a consensus on animal welfare and respect for animals”

Kim Keon-hee visits Cheongju Zoo to inspect various facilities and activities to promote animal welfare

By Lee Kap-soo


First Lady Kim Keon-hee visited Cheongju Zoo in Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea, to inspect various facilities and activities to promote animal welfare and to encourage officials on Oct. 5..

In April, Kim visited the Chungnam Wildlife Rescue Center to learn about the rescue, treatment, and rehabilitation of wild animals, and heard the heartbreaking story of a male lion nicknamed the "rib lion" because he was unable to eat properly a few months ago. 



This inspired Madam Kim, wife of President Yoon Suk-yeol, to take a deeper interest in not only pets, but also wildlife and human coexistence. Cheongju Zoo recently took in a 'rib lion' and named it 'Breeze' and is working to restore its health, as well as improving its breeding facilities to take into account the ecological characteristics of wild animals, and working to protect and heal commercially used and abandoned animals.


While listening to the status of Cheongju Zoo's activities, which are dedicated to the frontline of animal welfare, Mrs. Kim expressed her gratitude for the dedication and hard work of veterinarians, animal welfare workers, and others who are working for the coexistence of wildlife and humans. 


She also emphasized the importance of improving awareness for respecting animals and said, "I hope that Cheongju Zoo's exemplary model, including the 'Wind' case, will spread more widely. I will do my best to help."


Referring to the revised Act on the Management of Zoos and Aquariums, which took effect on December 14, she said, "I am glad that animal welfare has been improved, such as the permit system for zoos and aquariums and the ban on wildlife exhibitions." 


The law, which was revised as part of a national project, switches zoos and aquariums from the existing registration system to a license system and prohibits acts that undermine animal welfare, such as inflicting pain, fear, or stress on animals or moving and exhibiting them outside of the zoo's location.


Mrs. Kim then spent time participating in various activities to promote animal welfare at Cheongju Zoo. When Kim saw how Windy, who was recently transferred to Cheongju Zoo, was recovering, she said, "It's heartwarming.”

She also visited the mountain goat farm and threw behavioral enrichment toys made of natural materials to the Himalayan taal (a type of mountain goat), observed the feeding activities of a captive bear rescued from a cage at Ungdam Farm and the acclimatization training of a red fox rescued from the city center.


After touring the facilities, Mrs. Kim reiterated that "Cheongju Zoo can serve as a good example for improving people's awareness," and said, "I hope that children, in particular, will see and feel the results of Cheongju Zoo's efforts and form a consensus on animal welfare and respect for animals."


Meanwhile, visitors to Cheongju Zoo greeted Mrs. Kim and took pictures with her.