
Chairman Kim Tae-ho seeks cooperation with Papua New Guinea

They discuss ways on enhancing cooperation and mutual interests


Kim Tae-ho, Chair­man of the Foreign Affairs, Trade and Unif ication Com­mittee of the National Assem­bly, and members Lee Jae-jeong, Ahn Cheol-soo, and Woo Sang-ho, who are currently visiting Papua New Guinea, held discussions on enhancing cooperation and mutual in­terests between the two coun­tries, as well as preventive measures with Prime Min­ister James Marape on the 12th.


Chairman Kim Tae-ho ex­pressed gratitude to Prime Minister Marape for taking the time to meet and expressed his hope that this visit would further advance bilateral rela­tions, including parliamentary exchanges between the two countries.


Prime Minister Marape wel­comed the delegation from the National Assembly of the Re­public of Korea and expressed his hope to meet in Korea on occasions such as the Ko­rea-Pacific Islands Summit.


Both sides exchanged views on various matters, including the bilateral relationship be­tween Korea and Papua New Guinea, economic cooperation, and development cooperation. They particularly expressed hope for expanded trade and investment between the two countries, given the comple­mentary nature of Korea's economic structure with its expertise in economic growth and advanced technology and Papua New Guinea's abundant resources and growth poten­tial.


Furthermore, Chairman Kim requested Papua New Guinea's support for hosting the 2030 Busan World Expo, and Prime Minister Marape confirmed his support for the Busan World Expo.