
Korea, Germany seek to enhance defense supply chain cooperation

President Yoon holds a summit with German Chancellor


President Yoon Suk-yeol Holds Summit with German Chan­cellor After 13 Years, Enhancing Defense Supply Chain Cooperation and Efforts to Strengthen Automotive and Semiconductor Cooperation.


Af ter concluding the G7 Summit in Hiroshima, Japan on the 21st, President Yoon Suk-yeol returned to Korea and held a summit with Ger­man Chancellor Olaf Scholz to discuss strengthening global supply chain partnership and cooperation on North Korean denuclearization.


President Yoon and Chan­cellor Scholz held a joint press conference at the briefing room of the Blue House on the same day to announce the results of their summit. The two lead­ers had an expanded meeting at the Blue House from 8:00 p.m. for 54 minutes. Chancel­lor Scholz visited Korea in the context of attending the G7 Summit in Hiroshima.


President Yoon stated, "Both countries share the commonali­ty of being manufacturing pow­erhouses with a high degree of external trade dependence. We have agreed to strengthen the supply chain partnership between Korea and Germany amidst the deepening uncer­tainties in the global economy, geopolitical conflicts, and the rapid restructuring of global supply chains."



President Yoon announced that he has decided to partic­ipate in the Climate Club led by Chancellor Scholz. He stat­ed, "Both of our leaders have expressed their intentions to work together in overcoming the climate crisis. We will make efforts, together with G7 countries including Germany and other countries with sim­ilar positions, to achieve the 53. goal of the Paris Agreement of limiting the temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius and global carbon neutrality."


The two leaders also ex­pressed their intent to enhance cooperation in the automotive and semiconductor sectors. Chancellor Scholz stated, "We will particularly cooperate with Korea in the production of electric vehicles and batteries." He further mentioned, "Korea has many innovative com­panies in the semiconductor sector. I hope that Korea has made significant investments in this sector in Germany." In response, President Yoon stat­ed, "We have found common ground in enhancing cooper­ation between our countries in the semiconductor sector, which contributes to improving the quality of automobiles."


The two leaders agreed to closely cooperate on the issue of North Korean denucleariza­tion. President Yoon stated, "Our two leaders will make it clear that there is nothing North Korea can gain from illegal provocations and will continue to send a consistent message to the international community while closely coop­erating for the denuclearization of North Korea."


President Yoon revealed that he conveyed the aspirations of the Korean people regard­ing the hosting of Expo 2030 in Busan and requested the attention and support of the German government. He ex­plained that the two countries have also reached a consensus on defense industry supply chain cooperation through the prompt conclusion of the South Korea-Germany Military Se­cret Information Protection Agreement, and solidarity and continued support for Ukraine.



Prior to the summit, Chan­cellor Scholz visited the De­militarized Zone (DMZ). He stated, "Both Germany and Korea have experienced the horrific division. I personally witnessed that Korea is still facing this bitter reality and felt great sadness." He further mentioned, "I also realized that North Korea's illegal weapons development and nuclear weap­ons pose a significant threat to Korea's security. I will actively participate in Korea's efforts for irreversible and verifiable denuclearization."


He praised President Yoon's efforts to improve the relation­ship between Korea and Japan as a "courageous decision" and expressed his respect for it. Earlier, President Yoon em­phasized in his remarks at the summit, "I find it partic­ularly meaningful to visit on the 140th anniversary of the commencement of exchange be­tween Korea and Germany and the 60th anniversary of the dispatch of our laborers.