
“Cambodia is a favorable investment destination for Korean investors”

States Amb. Chring Botumransay of Cambodia in Seoul at an interview


Ambassador Chring Botumransay of the Kingdom of Cam­bodia said that the Republic of Korea has played a pivotal role in promoting Cambodia’s social-economic de­velopment and in diversifying foreign relations.

“Indeed,” the lady ambassador said, “our trade relationship is modest but expanding rapidly and the trade volume between the two countries was valued at US$1,050 million in 2022, an 8.85% rise compared to 2021.

The Republic of Korea, on her side, has a very favorable view of the Kingdom of Cambodia. In particular, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea has a very favorable view of Cambo­dia.


In 2022 alone, according to a MOT introduction of Cambodia, there were high-level exchang­es, such as President Yoon Suk-yeol's visit to Cambodia on the occasion of the Korea-ASEAN Summit, Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia, and Senator Sai Cho-heum's visit to Korea. Trade between the two coun­tries has reached a scale of 1 billion dollars, and Korea's cumulative investment in Cam­bodia has exceeded 4.8 billion dollars, it said. (See further de­tails at the end of this report.)


Ambassador Botumransay spoke on a wide range of topics at an interview with The Korea Post media, publisher of 3 En­glish and 2 Korean-language news publications since 1985, which included details of con­clusion of trade agreement be­tween her wonderful country of Cambodia and Korea. Details of the interview follow:

Question: Our hearty con­gratulations on the conclu­sion of the bilateral trade agreement between the two friendliest countries in the world. Please introduce the details of the Agreement.


Answer: It is no doubt that the Cambodia-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA) will raise bilateral trade volume and create more new export op­portunities between Korea and Cambodia. Please let us know your point of view on the eco­nomic outlook of the two coun­tries.


Last year, Cambodia and the Republic of Korea (ROK) cele­brated the 25th anniversary of the establishment of official dip­lomatic relations. Although the two countries embarked on es­tablishing a diplomatic relation in the late 1990s, we have made tremendous efforts to move re­lations to a new height.


From an economic and stra­tegic point of view, for ROK, Cambodia is an attractive des­tination for its investment and expanding its footprint due to the country’s conducive invest­ment environment and strate­gic location in the heart of the Greater Mekong Region.


For Cambodia, the ROK has played a pivotal role in promot­ing Cambodia’s social-economic development and in diversifying foreign relations. Indeed, our trade relationship is modest but expanding rapidly. The trade volume between the two coun­ tries was valued at US$1,050 million in 2022, an 8.85% rise compared to 2021.

Garments, electronics, shoes, luggage, aluminum, beverages, medical supplies, and natural rubber are among Cambodia’s top exports to the ROK while construction vehicles including trucks and bulldozers, clothes, electronics and cosmetic pro­ductions are imported from the ROK to Cambodia.


On top of that, the Cambo­dia-Korea Free Trade Agree­ment (CKFTA), which came into effect on 29 January 2022, not only testifies to the two countries’ mutually high prior­ity but also turns the page on state-to-state ties.

Whi le Seoul and Phnom Penh are bound together by the ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement (AKFTA) and the Regional Comprehensive Eco­nomic Partnership (RCEP), CKFTA would help further strengthen and deepen the eco­nomic cooperation between the two countries that ultimately creates more employment and investment opportunities and promotes services exports, contributing more to economic growth and bringing more ben­efits to both peoples.


In just a quarter century of diplomatic ties, the two coun­tries have built strong ties in many areas, including economic and political affairs, social-cul­tural ties, labor and especially development cooperation. Built on these facts, I am optimistic that both countries will work in tandem to elevate Cambo­dia-ROK relations to a “stra­tegic partnership” level in the near future.



Q: Please introduce invest­ment environment of Cam­bodia and special favors to foreign investors.

A: Cambodia has proved to become a conductive investment environment for over the past two decades. There are three key reasons why the country is a promising investment envi­ronment for foreign investors.

First, Cambodia has achieved rapid economic growth and has become one of the fastestgrow­ing economies in the world in terms of GDP. 


For the last ten years, the country’s economy has grown rapidly—at a 10% CAGR— while its electricity infrastruc­ture has also As of 30/03/23 2 made considerable strides, with costs falling by over 20% and capacity rising by more than ten times. In the post-COVID era, the Ministry of Economy and Fi­nance of Cambodia estimates a growth of 6.6% for 2023, proving that the Kingdom still offers an attractive investment climate.


In addition to the robust eco­nomic growth, Cambodia has also managed to maintain a stable inflation rate, foreign ex­change rate, and unemployment rate, creating a conducive envi­ronment for business operations in terms of predictability.


Second, Cambodia’s young, active workforce and compet­itive wages make the country the best place to invest. Of the approximately 16 million people in Cambodia, more than 60% are under 35 years old. According to the 2018 report of the International Labor Or­ganization (ILO), Cambodia has the highest percentage of labor force participation among those aged 16 to 64, at 82.7%. Compared with regional coun­tries, the country has also one of the most competitive wages in Asia, with a US$ 200 month­ly minimum wage level (as of 2023) for the textile, garment, and footwear industries.


Moreover, there is no discrim­ination against foreign-owned companies, which means all investors are guaranteed fair treatment, both foreign and do­mestic. The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) also reiter­ates its three “NOs” principles in the new investment law, namely “No nationalization”, “No expropriation,” and “No price control.” Third, Cambodia has developed a vibrant trade infrastructure that is connected to the region and beyond with favorable trade agreements, proximity to key markets, and a growing logistical infrastruc­ture.


Even though Cambodia is a small state, it is part of a large and dynamic region, ASEAN, with a combined population of over 660 million and an esti­mated total GDP of US$3.2 tril­lion in 2019. While the Kingdom is also part of ASEAN’s FTA with China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, and New Zealand, it also joins a mega-regional trade deal called the RCEP which contributes about 30% of global GDP and more than a quarter of world exports. On top of that, Cambodia has heavily invested in infra­structures such as fast speed highways and bridges, airports, railways, waterways and ports, energy, and a communication system.


Regarding the special favors given to foreign investors, Cam­bodia has developed itself into a business-friendly government through the active promotion of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to attract foreign inves­tors.

RGC has recognized the indispensable role of FDI in securing and boosting the coun­try’s economic growth. Within this context, RGC has intro­duced a new Law on Investment to solidify and expand the coun­try’s competitiveness for foreign investors through the modern­ization of domestic industries, the protection of investor rights, and the provision of a variety of incentives.


Generous FDI incentives available to investors include (1) income tax exemption from 3 to 9 years or special depreciation, (2) export tax exemption, (3) full import duty tax exemption of capital goods including con­struction material, equipment, and production inputs, (4) non­restrictions for investors on foreign currencies convertibility and repatriation, (5) 100% for­eign ownership of companies, and (6) 150% tax deduction for Research & Development (R&D), innovation, training, employee welfare facilities & services, and machinery up­grading.


RGC also simplified the pro­cedures for registration and im­plementation of an investment project for foreign investors. For instance, submitted investment project As of 30/03/23 3 propos­als shall be reviewed through the One-Stop Service by the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC), which takes approximately 20 working days to issue a Registration Certifi­cate.


Q: Please introduce the outstanding Korean compa­nies contributing to the pro­motion of relations between the two countries.

A: Cambodia is encouraging Korean investors to pursue opportunities in Cambodia of­fered by five key sectors - green infrastructure, agriculture, tourism, logistics, and digital development.

Indeed, many Korean inves­tors have already invested in Cambodia in various fields such as garments, energy, construc­tion, and tourism, with compa­nies like SPHP (Cambodia) Co., Ltd., Tong Yang Corporation KCD Co. Ltd., Cambo Kotop LTD., Cambo Unisoll Ltd., Woorie Garments Co., Ltd., Booyoung Khmer II Co., Ltd., Kookmin Bank Cambodia PLC, and Shinhan Bank Cambodia Plc.



Q: To our knowledge, Cambodian Government announced “2023 Cambodia Visit Year”. Please intro­duce special events pre­pared for foreign tourists.

A: The Cambodian govern­ment has announced the "Visit Cambodia Year 2023" cam­paign, with the slogan "Every Day is A Wonder," to showcase the Kingdom's tourism poten­tial and to welcome internation­al tourists.

Cambodia hosts several sport­ing events annually, including the Angkor Half Marathon in December, Ultra-Trail Angkor in February, and various inter­national cycling events.

Additionally, the Kingdom will be hosting its first histor­ic 32nd Southeast Asia (SEA) Games from May 5 to 17 and the 12th Asean Para Games from June 3 to 9, making the year even more special. Fur­thermore, in April, the country will rejoice in celebrating 10th Anniversary of Angkor Sank­ranta (Khmer new year), which has not been organized for a few years due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Ministry of Foreign Af­fairs and International Coop­eration will also promote the "Visit Cambodia Year 2023" campaign and consider issuing a special visa for this purpose.


Q: Please introduce tour­ist’s attractions in Cam­bodia for Korean tourists abroad.

A: If you're a Korean tour­ist planning to travel abroad, Cambodia is a place where you can build deep connections with local people and explore lost cit­ies, breathtaking beaches, un­spoiled rainforests, and South­east Asia's most extensive lake.

Tourists visiting Cambo­dia can explore various world heritage sites, including the Angkor archaeological park in northwest Siem Reap province, the Preah Vihear Temple in northwest Preah Vihear prov­ince, and the Sambor Prei Kuk archaeological site in central Kampong Thom province.

The thousands of temples scattered around the country are relics of an ancient civiliza­tion that was once the greatest on earth. Cambodia's picturesque coast­line in the four southwest prov­inces of Sihanoukville, Kampot, Kep, and Koh Kong is also a must-visit for tourists.


These are some of the most stunning and under rated beaches in Southeast Asia. The northeast of the kingdom boasts picturesque tropical forests, varied wildlife, stunning moun­tains, valleys, and channels, displaying some of Cambodia sures.


Praise of bilateral relations by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea:

When it comes to Cambodia, it seems that many people still remember it as a country with Angkor Wat or a country of the movie Killing Fields (extreme communism in the 1970s). How­ever, with the foundation of the Kingdom of Cambodia in 1993, a constitutional monarchy with the king as the head of state was adopted like the UK and Japan.


Since then, based on political stability, it has actively carried out activities for incorporation into the international commu­nity, such as joining ASEAN, ASEM, WTO, WB, IMF, and RCEP. It is a country that is emerging as a new atten­tion-seeking country in ASE­AN by realizing high economic growth of 7% on average per year before COVID 19.


Diplomatic relations between Korea and Cambodia were tem­porarily severed after diplomat­ic relations were established in 1970, but diplomatic relations were restored in 1997, and cooperation between the two countries has been strength­ened in various fields such as politics, economy, development cooperation, and culture over the past 25 years.


In 2022 alone, there were high-level exchanges, such as President Yoon Suk-yeol's visit to Cambodia on the occasion of the Korea-ASEAN Summit, Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia, and Senator Sai Cho-heum's visit to Korea. Trade between the two coun­tries has reached a scale of 1 billion dollars, and Korea's cumulative investment in Cam­bodia has exceeded 4.8 billion dollars.


In the field of development cooperation, Cambodia ranked 4th out of 127 free development cooperation countries in Korea, and 19 projects are underway in Cambodia with the Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF). About 300 Korean companies in the fields of man­ufacturing, finance, construc­tion, and real estate are active in Cambodia, and there are about 10,000 Korean residents. Various cultural events such as K-POP performances, Korean film festivals, and Taekwondo competitions are also held every year.


Although exchanges and cooperation between the two countries have shrunk due to COVID-19, they are recently recovering, and in an environ­ment where the global supply chain is being reorganized due to strategic competition be­tween the US and China, it is an important time to newly de­velop Korea-Cambodia coopera­tive relations.


Within the framework of the government's Indo-Pacific Strategy and Korea-ASEAN Solidarity Cooperation Initia­tive, Korea's industrial com­petitiveness and development experience should be linked with Cambodia's young and abundant labor force and nat­ural resources to deepen and expand cooperation between the two countries.


In particular, the Korea-Cam­bodia FTA, the fourth FTA signed with an ASEAN mem­ber country after Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia, took effect in December 2022. It will be a new opportunity if the Cambodian government's square strategy and foreign in­vestment attraction policy are combined with FTA.

Ambassador Chring Botumransay of Cambodia in Seo