
Korea, UK seek ways to exchange opinions on global cooperation

In a summit between President Yoon and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak


President Yun Suk-yeol , through the S o ut h Ko r e a -U K summit, discussed ways to advance bilateral rela­tions and exchange opinions on global cooperation. President Yoon Suk-yeol ex­changed views on the devel­opment of bilateral relations and global cooperation during a summit meeting with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the United Kingdom, held in con­junction with the Hiroshima G7 Summit on May 20.


President Yoon expressed his significant appreciation for holding his first summit meeting with Prime Minister Sunak following his inaugura­tion. He urged Prime Minister Sunak to expand nuclear pow­er cooperation, establish a dig­ital partnership, and enhance cyber security cooperation, emphasizing the importance of ongoing communication to expand cooperation between South Korea and the UK.


In response, Prime Minister Sunak expressed his active agreement and expressed his desire to enhance cooperation between South Korea and the UK, particularly in the fields of energy (nuclear power), de­fense industry, and semicon­ductors.


Prime Minister Sunak con­gratulated the 140th anniver­sary of bilateral exchanges between South Korea and the UK and proposed a "quantum framework for closer coopera­tion" to present future coopera­tion plans between the two coun­tries, aiming for a comprehen­sive and creative partnership.


Prime Minister Sunak stated that he intends to po­sition South Korea as the most important partner in the Asia-Pacific region and suggested reaching specif­ic plans and agreements on South Korea-UK cooperation in the shortest possible time. President Yoon responded by promising close communication between the security and eco­nomic teams of both countries.


Regarding Prime Minister Sunak's remark that South Korea and the UK are im­portant partners in regional cooperation and global agenda coordination, based on shared universal values, President Yoon emphasized the impor­tance of solidarity with partner countries including the G7. He expressed the need for contin­ued cooperation to strengthen the value-based partnership between the two countries.