
President Yoon hosts a dinner for Japanese Prime Minister Kishida

Serving traditional Korean food made with domestic products.


President Yoon Suk-yeol and his wi fe hosted a dinner party for Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and his wife on the evening of May 7th, fol­lowing the summit meeting. The dinner was held at the presidential residence, where the couple served traditional Korean cuisine made from ag­ricultural and fishery products from different regions of South Korea.


At the dinner, the two lead­ers shared their interests in culture, sports, and other topics related to South Korea and Japan, and had a friendly conversation. During the din­ner, Prime Minister Kishida proposed to President Yoon Suk-yeol that he expected positive remarks on the global agenda at the G7 summit in Hiroshima later this month. The President responded warmly.



In addition, the Kishida cou­ple, who are from Hiroshima, shared their sympathy with the Yoon couple regarding their acquaintance with Dong-hee Suh, who participated in the water and land ritual at Jin Guangsa Temple with First Lady Kim Gun-hee and Japa­nese First Lady Yuko. Dong-hee Suh had visited Hiroshima several times in connection with the Korean victims of the atomic bomb.


The dinner, which also in­cluded a garden walk, took place today and lasted for about two hours from 7:30 p.m. On May 7th, President Yoon Suk-yeol and his wife had a social dinner with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and his wife. (Photo: Presiden­tial Office)