
Many women work in their professional fields in Indonesia

About 30% of Indonesian lawmakers are women

The Republic of Indo-nesia adopts a pres-idential system, and the capital, Zakart, is the second most densely popu-lated city center in the world. Despite its huge population and high population density, Indonesia has the highest eco-system diversity in the world based on its natural nature, and its natural environment is well preserved due to people's consideration and environmen-tal protection. 



It consists of hundreds of dif-ferent peoples and languages, and the largest ethnic group is the Zawain. "Unity in diver-sity" is Indonesia's motto. It is implementing policies that tol-erate multiple languages, eth-nic diversity, and religious di-versity. He is also a member of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Inter-national Monetary Fund, the G20, the Non-Aligned Move-ment, the ASEAN-Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the East Asia Summit, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and the Islamic Cooper-ation Organization. 

After achieving Indonesian independence in December 1949, it was hurt by West-ern terrorists at the time, but through the Revolutionary War, it gradually formed its identity as a nation and be-came independent. 

Indirect elections were held until 2003, but the first di-rect presidential election was held in 2004 due to the consti-tutional amendment, and in 2014, Joko Widodo was elected president for the first time as a non-military elite. 

At the ambassador's resi-dence in Indonesia, where he was appointed last year, he met with his wife Susi Ard-hani Sulistiyanto for an inter-view. 


Question: Please intro-duce your family. 
I was appointed ambassador to Indonesia in January 2022 and came to Korea together. As a family, she has a happy life with one daughter, two sons, and six grandchildren. 


Q: Tell me about the Indo-nesian First Lady. 
Mrs. Iliana is loved by the people for her modesty and meekness. There are two sons, one daughter, and five grand-children in the family.


I visited Korea from Decem-ber 27 to 28, 2022 and had a pleasant conversation with the first lady of Korea. In the G20, he strengthened his close rela-tionship with the first lady of Korea. 


Q: Indonesia and Korea are known as brothers. Tell me about the locals in both countries. 
 Many Koreans live in Ja-karta, south of Indonesia, and many Indonesians live in An-san in Korea.