
“Laos is a production base for Korean firms entering into ASEAN”

Interview with Ambassador Ramin Hasanov of Azerbaijan in Seoul

“We have one stop servicefor investorsand favorabletax system. Laos can be usedas a production base for Korean companies aiming to a bigger market in ASEAN, Chinaand others,” said Ambassador Songkane Luang gmuninthoneof Laos in Seoul.



Amb. Luangmuninthone said,“Lao government also supportsgreen and renewable energy,we would like to welcome Korean companies to invest in Laosin the areas of energy, mining,infrastructure, agriculture,ICT, environment, educationand healthcare.”

He also said, “Similarly, wewould like Lao businessmento invest in Korea in the areaof the small owner of Lao foodrestaurant, massage, sauna,and other small business.”
The followings are excerptsfrom an interview with Ambassador Songkane Luangmuninthone of Laos in Seoul.Question: Your Excellency as the Ambassador ofyour esteemed country perform the important role ofa bridge between the twocountries. Please introduceyourself in detail, including your career, family andhobbies.

ion for the opportunity to giveinterview to one of the mostreadable press in Korea andvery honored to represent mycountry in the beautiful land ofKorea. 

Vientiane, the capital of LaoPeople's Democratic Republic,in the first half of the sixtiesin the 20th century. It was thetime that the war was still going on in the country that hascaused both human and economic sufferings to our country and people. Laos is stillcontinuing to suffer till today,especially the unexploded ordi nances.

I witnessed the permanentpeace with the Proclamationof the Lao People's Democraticon December 2, 1975. The datethat Lao multi-ethnic peoplestarted to enjoy permanentpeace, independence, democracy unity and prosperity afterthe century of sufferings underSiamese, French, and brieflyunder Japanese during theSecond World War and new colonialism of America.
Early 80s studied international law in the former USSRand joined the Foreign Servicein 1989.

 More than 30 plus years atthe Foreign Service, workedin Bangkok, New York, Japanand as Ambassador to thePhilippines and as the currentAmbassador to ROK

Married and have 2 sons andone daughter. Play golf, walking and enjoy cooking duringmy free time.
During my term I will try myutmost to further strengthenand expand the friendly relations existing between Laosand Korea.
Q: Please introduce thelatest news about Laos.A: Before the Covid-19 pandemic, the economy had continued to grow with a GDP increased rate of 6.5% per year.But as any other country in theregion and the world, the rateof our GDP growth has beenslashed down due to the higherinflation rate, higher price offood and energy.