
The updated Constitution guarantees citizens receive continuous education

National laws prohibit the use of force and other worst forms of child labor

The following article and picture materials have been provided by the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Seoul for publication by The Korea Post media, publisher of 3 English and 2 Korean-language news publications since 1985.—Ed.


By Muzafara Abdiyeva, Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan


In the recent past, our society was not alien to the use of child labor. As a result of reforms carried out in recent years, child labor has been eradicated in our country.
Under international labor instruments, our national laws prohibit the use of force and other worst forms of child labor. As a result, on April 1, 2019, in the report of the International Labour Organization, the World Bank announced that the use of child and forced labor in the cotton industry of Uzbekistan has been eliminated.



​It would not be an exaggeration to say that such changes provided great opportunities for the young generation of the country. Changes regarding the rights of the child are fixed in the updated Constitution to prevent the use of child labor, ensure the education of young people and the manifestation of their talents. In particular, any form of child labor that threatens the health, mental and physical development of the child, including education, is prohibited. The norm introduced into the Constitution in a new edition guarantees the protection of children from forced and other worst forms of labor, their healthy moral and physical development.
At the same time, inclusive education and upbringing are being introduced in educational organizations for children with special educational needs and individual abilities. Consequently, children of this category are allowed to study not only in specialized, but also in ordinary general education schools, which is another manifestation of the principle of human dignity in New Uzbekistan. Undoubtedly, the system of continuous education plays an important role in the harmonious development of youth. In this regard, the updated Constitution provides all the youth of the country with opportunities to receive higher education. In particular, a provision is being introduced into the Basic Law providing for the right of citizens to receive higher education free of charge at state universities on a competitive basis. The purpose of this is to expand the opportunities for talented young people to study in undergraduate and graduate programs based on a state grant.
The inclusion of this constitutional norm guarantees the preservation of grant places in higher education institutions, and creates the basis for free higher education to be received only by worthy candidates who enter the universities on a competitive basis. Free education for gifted youth will contribute to the preparation of highly qualified, competitive personnel who will become a force determining the country’s future.