
"The distortion of heroes’ sacrifices is an act of undermining state identity.“

President Yoon says at the 24th cabinet meeting, "Heroes' sacrifice and dedication must not be denigrated“

By Reporter Anna Kim

President Yoon Suk-yeol said on June 13 that "distorting and disparaging the sacrifices and dedication of heroes (who defended liberal democracy) should not be allowed, and such acts are anti-national acts that deny the national identity of the Republic of Korea.“




President Yoon presided over the 24th Cabinet meeting at the Yongsan presidential office earlier in the day and said, "Remembering and honoring the sacrifices and dedication of our heroes is the practice of the constitutional spirit that embodies national sovereignty and liberal democracy.“


He also added, "As I said in my remarks on Memorial Day, the quality of a nation depends not on what kind of talent it produces, but on who it remembers and how it remembers them."  "A free Korea stands on the bloodstained uniforms of heroes who threw themselves to protect the country and its people, and on the sacrifices and dedication of heroes in uniform."


President Yoon stated, "During the previous administration, while private organization subsidies increased by approximately 2 trillion won, there was no proper management or supervision system, resulting in moral hazards and the leakage of taxpayer funds." He further stated, "The taxpayers' money has become a prey to political populism, and the national debt has accumulated to 400 trillion won only in the previous administration."


President Yoon stressed that this is fraudulent behavior towards taxpayers and exploitative behavior towards future generations. He emphasized that it is the duty of the government to immediately rectify and correct any wrongdoing, and that the power cartel of corruption and nepotism must be dismantled.


President Yoon also mentioned, "The government should reflect deeply on whether proper management and supervision were carried out during the selection and execution process of subsidies, and whether it has been executed as a matter of routine without thorough scrutiny. In the future, a comprehensive management and supervision system should be implemented from the selection to the execution, settlement, and inspection stages, in order to hold not only the businesses but also the responsible public officials accountable in case of corruption and misconduct.“

Furthermore, President Yoon stated, "The government will continue to ensure that taxpayers' money is used to provide stronger protection for the vulnerable and to improve the treatment of junior officers and non-commissioned officers who silently dedicate themselves to national security even in difficult environments and conditions. It will be utilized where it is truly needed.“


President Yoon stated in this occasion, "There is not much time left until the monsoon season," and emphasized, "The government will thoroughly examine and strengthen the disaster safety measures for the summer season that have been implemented. It is crucial to be fully prepared and attentive in preventing loss of life.“


He also added, "Relevant agencies such as fire departments and the police should conduct repetitive education and training to ensure seamless cooperation with local governments on the ground." He further emphasized, "Disasters and calamities are especially harsh on the most vulnerable. Therefore, I urge the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, and other relevant ministries to do their utmost, in collaboration with local governments, to ensure the completion of flood prevention facilities in high-risk areas before the monsoon season.“


President Yoon concluded by stating, "I will be attending the upcoming General Assembly of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) in Paris next week. In our efforts to host Expo 2030 in Busan, the government, private sector, and both central and local governments have worked together as one team. Whenever I meet with foreign leaders, I have consistently sought their support. With all 179 member countries in attendance at the General Assembly, this presentation will be an opportunity to showcase the unique vision of Busan Expo and its distinctive qualities.“


Today's 24th cabinet meeting was attended by Prime Minister Han Deok-soo, Deputy Prime Minister Chu Kyung-ho, National Education Commissioner Lee Bae-yong, National Coordinating Minister Bang Moon-gyu, Fair Trade Commissioner Han Ki-jung, Financial Services Commissioner Kim Joo-hyun, and others from the presidential office, including Secretary Kim Dae-ki, National Security Adviser Cho Tae-yong, and National Planning Chief Lee Kwan-seop.