
“Malaysia is a pro-business and pro-investment country”

Says Malaysia’s minister at a seminar on business opportunities in Malaysia

By Reporter Yang Raeo Jin
“Malaysia is a pro-business, pr o - i nve s t ment, and pro-trade country," said Tengku Zafrul Aziz, Malaysia's Minister of International Trade and Indus try (MITI). 




At the "Business Opportunities in Malaysia" seminar co-hosted by Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) and Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), Minister Tengku Zafrul Aziz said, "We hope that many Korean busi nessmen will actively invest in Malaysia, a bridgehead for entering the Southeast Asian market, and have more trade opportunities with our country." 


Minister Tengku Zafrul Aziz attended a seminar held at the Lotte Hotel in Seoul on March 14 with Ambassador Lim Juay Jin of Malaysia in Seoul and a delegation of senior Malaysian government officials and businessmen. 


Ambassador Lim Juay Jin of Malaysia said, “The seminar was held to convey the latest information on Malaysia's current economic development to the Korean business community and to highlight the opportunities Malaysia can offer for investment and trade in the manufacturing and service sectors.” 


The Malays ian Inves tment Development Authority (MIDA) invited Kim Jong-san, CEO of Coretech MC Sdn. Bhd., and Bang Chan-young, director of Saemi Corporation, as speakers at the event. 


CEO Kim operates a high-purity ammonia production plant in Malaysia and shared the advantages and benefits that Korean companies can receive in Malaysia if they make investment in the country. 


Director Bang, whose company imports plastic packaging materials from Malaysia, introduced his valuable experience in Malaysia, saying, "We were able to secure a promising Malaysian exporter at an early date possible thanks to the active support from MATRADE during the import process."