“Colombia welcomes Korean electrical appliance makers’ investment”

  • 등록 2024.07.23 15:10:12

Says Colombian Amb. to Korea Alejandro Peláez Rodríguez at a reception in Seoul

By Diplomacy Journal Lee Kap-soo


“I invite Korean electrical appliance companies to consider Colombia as an investment destination,” said Colombian Ambassador to Korea Alejandro Peláez Rodríguez at a reception to celebrate the 214th Colombia’s Independence Day.


Delivering a speech at the gala reception held at Four Seasons Hotel in Seoul on July 22, Amb. Rodríguez said, “We have worked with the Korean authorities and companies to make it a reality that South Korea engineering is present in Colombia in the design, construction and operation of electric, solar and wind power generation plants.



“The solid progress that has been made bilaterally in the field of innovation ecosystems calls us to continue materializing synergies, with special emphasis on enhancing the growth of our respective small and medium-sized enterprises.”


Noting that favoring life is the DNA of the Colombian government's plan, he said, “This implies prioritizing the health sector to improve the living conditions of nationals. On this front, diplomatic relations with South Korea are once again relevant, as a country with a globally competitive pharmaceutical, biotechnology, cosmetics and medical technology sectors.”


More than 300 foreign and domestic guests, including foreign ambassadors, senior diplomats, high-ranking Korean government officials, business leaders, and their spouses attended the event filled with great fervor and festivity.



Among the VIP guests at the reception were Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea, Park Sang-woo, and Superintendent of Education of the Metropolitan City of Incheon, Doh Seong-hoon.


In congratulatory remarks, Minister for Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea Park Sang-woo said, “Currently, Colombia is focusing on areas such as land administration, regional development, and the transition to clean energy to drive economic growth. Effective land administration is especially important as the first move toward economic prosperity.


“Korea, with its extensive experience and capability in this area, can play a key role in building the foundation for Colombia’s economic progress. I, too, will do my best to support this.”


Commenting that Korea is diligently preparing for the future by innovating mobility, building smart cities, and promoting digitalization, Minister Park said, “If given the opportunity, Korea hopes to take part in Colombia’s future transformation efforts as well.”



Meanwhile, Doh Seong-hoon, Superintendent of Incheon Metropolitan City Education, said in a speech for a toast, “The interest and cooperation of both countries in education have been key to prosperity and development. Internationally we are living in a society of digital transformation, represented by Artificial Intelligence, and in it the importance of education is increasing.”


Doh added, “To this end, the Education Office of Incheon Metropolitan City and the Ministry of Education of Colombia share knowledge and experience about digital education, and thus are achieving joint growth.”


The following is the full-text of commemorative statement delivered by Ambassador of Colombia, H.E. Alejandro Peláez.


Friends, welcome to this celebration of Colombia's independence. I am excited to be on this podium again, in the company of the Korean, Colombian and diplomatic community to present the most outstanding results obtained by the embassy team during the year in which I have had the honor of being the ambassador of Colombia.


It is a high honor to take the voice of Colombia's diplomacy, which is the diplomacy of life, peace and democracy, fundamental values that deepen the close ties that bind South Korea and Colombia.


Peace is the cornerstone of President Gustavo Petro's government. It sets two pathways: the first is the execution of actions to achieve peace in Colombia with the aim of achieving constructive coexistence among its inhabitants.

For our diplomacy, the search for peace goes beyond borders.  In 1951, the government of Colombia decided to send 5,000 men to this country to defend the principles of democracy, freedom and the rule of law. 

In 1953, the armistice that sustains peace in the peninsula was achieved. Convinced that diplomacy is the best tool to defend it, Colombia maintains its commitment to our blood brothers, participating in the different activities that the United Nations Command carries out to sustain that peace.

The Embassy of Colombia is pleased with the expansion of the Military Attaché Office in the near term. Not only with the presence of Army and Navy officers, but also of the Air Force, as well as non-commissioned officer personnel to support their important work.


We congratulate the Republic of Korea for holding a chair as  non-permanent member of the Security Council and we appreciate the way in which it reciprocates diplomatic action for peace with Colombia and the world, through support for the Unilateral Declaration of State formulated by Colombia in 2017 before that organ.

At the multilateral level, we are united by common visions, among which I would like to highlight in particular the agreement in our approaches to human rights. 


The second pathway set by President Gustavo Petro's Total Peace policy has to do with the energy transition, climate change and the decarbonization of the economy.

That is why we have worked with the Korean authorities and companies to make it a reality that South Korea engineering is present in Colombia in the design, construction and operation of electric, solar and wind power generation plants.  I invite Korean electrical appliance companies to consider Colombia as an investment destination.

The solid progress that has been made bilaterally in the field of innovation ecosystems calls us to continue materializing synergies, with special emphasis on enhancing the growth of our respective small and medium-sized enterprises.

Favoring life is the DNA of the Colombian government's plan, and this implies prioritizing the health sector to improve the living conditions of nationals. On this front, diplomatic relations with South Korea are once again relevant, as a country with a globally competitive pharmaceutical, biotechnology, cosmetics and medical technology sectors.

We bilaterally prioritize actions that lead to the production of vaccines in Colombia with Korean technology. I am confident that we will obtain concrete results before the end of 2024.

The realities in terms of human mobility bring our countries closer together. Digitalization and new communication technologies allow us to interact more and more to build together in the management of migration issues, face the challenges arising from a downward demographic curve and increase exchanges in education, knowledge transfer and human talent. We aim to expand coverage even more through cooperation to reach the most remote regions of Colombia.

A good example of this is the cooperation that has existed for 17 years with the Education Office of the Metropolitan City of Incheon, which has allowed access to training in new technologies to teachers in the most remote places of Colombia.

Subnational diplomacy is very important for Colombian cities, to which Korea sets an example of development, so their visits to learn about the Asian country's industrialization and development model are especially important.

At the national level, among the high-level visits that have been made last year, there is that of the Minister of Transport of Colombia to present to the Korean authorities the projects that allow the Korean presence in the infrastructure sector, a binding vessel that allows the strengthening of our bilateral relations.

We are thus continuing our determined action to move forward hand in hand with our partners on the path of reindustrialization.

In September 2023, Colombia received from Korea the presidency of the P4G Summit, This year the 16th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biodiversity -COP 16, which will take place in Cali, from October 21 to November 1, will be the opportunity to examine how to continue advancing on the issue of debt swap for climate action. I invite you to watch a short video of COP.


I would like to conclude by highlighting that Colombia enjoys the category of Strategic Partner of Korea in terms of Cooperation.

With the support of KOICA and MOLIT, we have prioritized the project that consists of the implementation of the multipurpose cadastre with Korean technology, an iconic project that will change Colombia, since it is the technical basis that will sustain the comprehensive agrarian reform that will solve several problems regarding land tenure, the efficient use of land, and the efficient use of land, systematize a fair cadastral collection that allows improving the income of the regions, the control of deforestation and illegal mining that threatens our greatest treasure: our biodiversity.

Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Mr. Park Sangwoo, allow me to thank you for all the support that MOLIT has given to Colombia not only with the multipurpose cadastre project, but also with the possibility of presenting the different infrastructure projects in Colombia to your work team. It is an honor for me to hear from you the message of the Republic of Korea in the celebration of Colombia's 214 years of independence. You have the floor. 

The following is the full-text of the congratulatory remarks by Park Sang-woo, Minister for Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea.


As we celebrate this meaningful occasion, I feel deeply honored and pleased to extend my heartfelt congratulations on behalf of the government and people of the Republic of Korea.


Korea and Colombia have been steadfast friends for a long time. We still remember that Colombia, the only Latin American country to do so during the Korean War, sent over 5,000 soldiers who risked their lives fighting for us. 


In March 1962, we established diplomatic relations, significantly boosting exchanges between our countries. In 2011, our bilateral relationship was elevated to a ‘Strategic Cooperative Partnership’. Furthermore, with the implementation of the Korea-Colombia Free Trade Agreement in 2016, we have solidified our cooperation through expanded mutual trade and investment. 


Korea continues to actively support Colombia’s advancement through various projects, including regional development and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Likewise, Colombia, our long-standing ally, has firmly supported Korea in the international community.


Ambassador Peláez and distinguished guests,
During the summit last September, both Presidents highlighted the need for a future-oriented bilateral relationship through expanded trade, investment, and cooperation on policy and technology. 


Currently, Colombia is focusing on areas such as land administration, regional development, and the transition to clean energy to drive economic growth. Effective land administration is especially important as the first move toward economic prosperity.


Korea, with its extensive experience and capability in this area, can play a key role in building the foundation for Colombia’s economic progress. I, too, will do my best to support this. Korea is also diligently preparing for the future by innovating mobility, building smart cities, and promoting digitalization.

If given the opportunity, Korea hopes to take part in Colombia’s future transformation efforts as well. Lastly, I extend my best wishes for the successful hosting of the 16th Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity in Cali this October. Korea will also participate actively in the conference.


Esteemed Ambassador Alejandro Peláez Rodríguez, I have heard a saying “Quien tiene un amigo, tiene un tesoro”, meaning “Those who have a friend have a treasure”. Over the past 62 years, Korea and Colombia have contributed to each other's development with strong trust and support. I sincerely hope Colombia and Korea will continue this journey of peace and prosperity as unwavering friends forever. Once again, my warmest congratulations on Colombia's Independence Day.


The following is the full-text of the speech for a toast by Doh Seong-hoon, Superintendent of Incheon Metropolitan City Education.


I am pleased to be able to commemorate and congratulate the 214th Anniversary of Colombia’s Independence Day, July 20, 1810, when they took the first step towards the freedom and independence of Colombia.


The Republic of Korea has not forgotten the dedication and sacrifice that Colombia showed in the Korean War. As a member of the UN forces, Colombia, was the only sending Latin American country, troops of about 5,100 soldiers to the Korean War. They sacrificed themselves for the freedom and peace of Korea, being a country located on the other side of the planet.


Although Colombia and Korea are located on different continents, we have the similarity of playing an important role in the world stage by overcoming foreign colonization and achieving the prosperity and development we have today.


The interest and cooperation of both countries in education have been key to prosperity and development. Internationally we are living in a society of digital transformation, represented by Artificial Intelligence, and in it the importance of education is increasing.


To this end, the Education Office of Incheon Metropolitan City and the Ministry of Education of Colombia share knowledge and experience about digital education, and thus are achieving joint growth. This year 20 Colombian teachers visited Incheon in May, and participated in program “Education in which you enjoy reading, fully experiencing and proactively participating”.


In this way, exchange and cooperation based on digital education are being the basis of bilateral friendship and cooperation, they have as well become a tool for expanding cooperation and joint development in various sectors such as economy and culture.


I hope that this space today gives way to greater friendship and cooperation between Colombia and Korea. I extend my sincere gratitude to all who have organized this event.


Cheers, for the sustainable partnership between Colombia and Korea through education. 

Lee 기자 times6489@daum.net
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